Jesus’ half brother, Jude, wrote this letter to confront lies about the faith. The struggle to know what’s true about Jesus is as real today as it was in 65 AD. Jude reminds us of the importance of... Read More

Read Devotionals

Devotionals From This Study

Session 1

How to fight for your faith

What gets you fired up? Maybe it’s a political party, a sports team, or time with family. When we love something or someone, we passionat...

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Session 2

Why looking back helps you move forward

Nostalgic cravings aren’t new. We take pictures, collect souvenirs, and establish traditions to remind ourselves of special relationships...

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Session 3

Don’t be the know it all

We all have that friend, neighbor, coworker, or family member who is convinced they know everything. They always have answers, and when s...

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Session 4

Three ways to identify a liar

The low battery chirp of the smoke alarm is a constant reminder that we are placing ourselves and our families in danger. Ever wish a sim...

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Session 5

Two ways to build your faith

Growing up, a lot of us played with building blocks. You could stack them one on top of the other to build a tower. Or, you could put the...

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Session 6

How mercy points us in the right direction

When was the last time you were lost in a dark, unfamiliar place? When disorientation and fear leave us feeling helpless, asking for help...

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